When you think of pools, you generally think of chlorine. Chlorine is used to keep pool water
sanitized by killing bacteria and germs—and that’s a good thing. But there are some things that
people don’t like about using chlorine in their pools. First, you have to remember to add the
chlorine, and when life happens, it’s easy to forget, until your green pool serves as a reminder
for the next time. And then some people don’t like how chlorine smells.
An alternative to adding chlorine tabs to your chlorine feeder is to convert to a salt system for
your pool. Salt systems, also known as chlorinators or chlorine generators, produce chlorine
through electrolysis. Instead of adding chlorine directly into your pool water, you add salt. The
water then runs through the salt system’s cell where the salt and water molecules are broken
down to produce chlorine without the harsh odor.
If you’re interested in converting your pool to a salt system, we can help you get started.